Ø 用一种生动鲜活的方式让您真正了解公司财务,提高在日常工作中的时间和资源利用效率。
Ø 在模拟培训中学员将面临的挑战是提高公司的内部能力和盈利能力满足公司各方面利益相关者的要求。
Ø 在模拟运营中学员将学习财务报表分析,现金流预测和预算,投资分析,成本分析和EVA分析等财务工具和相关理念
Ø 在开始,您的模拟公司经营业绩很差,你在丢失市场份额,您的客户和供应商都在提出新的要求,
Ø 您的公司需要一个新的,专业的财务战略,您将学习如何来监控现金流,提升公司的资源使用效率,用损益表和资产负债表来衡量企业的经营绩效,您将通过应对如下挑战,提高自己的经营管理素质。
Ø 让公司内部的各部门职员建立共同的愿景
Ø 在业务语言和财务语言之间建立一个沟通的桥梁
Ø 在公司面临变革时,能够用同一种语言就关键的问题进行沟通
Ø 理解企业的利润的来源,以及如何在未来创造利润
Ø 理解日常决策对公司战略和财务结果的影响
Ø 把资源用在最高效的地方
Ø 掌握不断发现改进公司运营绩效机会的技能
Ø 通过各种规划工具的学习提升业务规划能力
l “苹果+桔子”模拟仓使我全面了解了企业的整体运作,对经营决策与现金流以及经营效益的关系有了清晰得认识
l 通过“苹果+桔子”模拟仓的学习,使我了解怎样定位客户的需求,谁是我的真正客户;什么样的产品是市场需要的产品;如何报价以满足内部的期望和外部的竞争。
l 通过学习使我系统掌握了财务的三大报表,财务分析的工具以及如何运用于实践的思路
l 这个培训使我深刻的理解了为什么企业要实施6б质量管理、为什么要实施精益生产,它对推动公司内部变革非常有益。
-----Business Finance for Non-financial people
The overriding challenge in this board-based simulation is to build productivity and profitability to meet tough demands from all stakeholders.
Use financial tools such as financial statement analysis, cash flow forecasting, budgeting investment analysis, cost analysis and EVA analysis in simulation world and next step in real world.
Creating value in business
At the start, the performance of your model company is pretty poor – you are losing market share and there are increasing demands from suppliers and customers.
Your company needs a new, disciplined financial strategy. You will learn how to monitor cash flow, make resource utilization improvements and measure results in the balance sheet and income statement. You company will face the challenge:
Company’s benefit:
Ø Create a common language throughout the organization of how the company is running in financial view angle.
Ø Build a shared understanding of financial and management concepts.
Ø Communicate key messages during times of organizational change.
Trainee’s benefits,
Ø Know how the business generates profits today, and how it will need to generate profits in the future.
Ø Understand how their daily decisions impact the company strategically and financially.
Ø Utilize resources where they do the most good.
Ø Can continuously identify improvements to business operations.
Ø Develop the competence of operation plan by learning financial ratios and analysis tools as plan tools.
Apples & Oranges™ will help everyone work in the most productive and cost-effective manner possible by strengthening business literacy.
Employees at any level can develop a real understanding of the flow of capital in the company and see the “big picture,” so they can make meaningful contributions to the business.
What clients say about “Apples and Oranges” Financial Simulation Cab:
Through “Apples and Oranges” Financial Simulation Cab, I get the felling of the “big map” of our business, and understand the impact of my daily decision on financial result and cash flow
------Factory Planning Manager Shanghai Volkswagen
I get a financial feeling of how to find out the need of customer, who is the real customer of my company, which product is need in market. How to set price in order to face the competence and satisfy the expectation of stockholder
------Sales Manager Jilin Huawei Electronic Ltd. Co.
I can understood the business status through the three financial statement, know how to use financial analysis tools to evaluate operation.
------Material engineer Cummins (china)
I understood the root of such project as “six sigma”, “lean production”. This training is a very engine for management innovation.
------Manufacturing Supervisor Delphi Packard Electric
Webster Xin: senior consultant and trainer of Champion Consulting, MBA, CELEMI certified facilitator, ever service as Kansai (Tianjin) as R&D engineer, sales manager and financial analyst in. Client list ever serviced: Eastern Communication, Founder Group, Nokia (China), China Telecom etc. more than 300 companies.

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